As a kid I was an avid rascal, in trouble most of the time and an adrenaline junkie, years before I even knew what it meant. Extreme sports was the name of the game whether it was skateboarding, motocross or cliff jumping. By the age of eleven I found snowboarding and it swept me for a 15 year ride of a life time around the world.
Photo: Stan Evans
Almost half of that time I was fortunate to make living out of it. Many lessons in life and business were learned which most only after the fact. It gave me the opportunity to look at the roller coaster ride I'd been on through a new perspective and reflect upon it. Any career has its ups and downs, and out of 7 years as a professional I spent 2 years in rehab. Those paralyzing times on the hospital bed, mental challenges at the gym and facing the fears after returning on the snow taught me some of the most important lessons in my life. How can I turn misfortunes into opportunities and to appreciate the ordinary things I took for granted.After I retired from my fruitful career as a snowboarder it was time to go after a long time dream of mine to become a concept designer for the feature film industry. Starting something from the bottom up and having to learn from peers a decade younger is a humbling and eye opening experience. Almost 5 years at it and I'm finally starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel.
Fast forward to now. My passion in becoming a better learner, artist, helping people find solutions to their challenges has led me to become a concept designer, NLP Trainer and Life Coach.
For my snowboarding career video part check here:
Contact me directly jussi.p.tarvainen ( a-t ) gmail dot com
Jussi Tarvainen